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nhận được nhiều hơn2. Pemerintahan Daerah adalah penyelenggaraan urusan pemerintahan oleh pemerintah daerah dan dewan perwakilan rakyat daerah menurut asas otonomi dan tugas pembantuan dengan prinsip otonomi seluas-luasnya dalam sistem dan prinsip Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. 3.Reticular Activating System. The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem that project anteriorly to the hypothalamus to mediate behavior, as well as both posteriorly to the thalamus and directly to the cortex for activation of awake, desynchronized cortical EEG patterns.Reticular Activating System - an overview | ScienceDirect ...
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nhận được nhiều hơnFlip-flops are a type of sandal, typically worn as a form of casual wear.They consist of a flat sole held loosely on the foot by a Y-shaped strap known as a toe thong that passes between the first and second toes and around both sides of the foot or can be a hard base with a strap across all the toes (these can also be called sliders).The "class system" in the United Kingdom is widely studied in academia but no definition of the word class is universally agreed to. Some scholars may adopt the Marxist view of class where persons are classified by their relationship to means of production, as owners or as workers, which is the most important factor in that person's social rank.Social class in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
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